Frequently Asked Questions
Who qualifies to be a candidate? The main criteria is that you be between the ages of 17-22 as of July?1st of the year you run.? You must also live, work, go to school in, or have graduated from a school located in Richfield.? You must be a legal resident or citizen and never married or pregnant.
How much of a time commitment is the Candidate Program?? Can I still be a candidate and/or Royalty while going to school or working full time? We have developed this program with busy young women in mind!? We understand that most young adults are probably both working and going to school.? The candidate program is stretched over a 10 week period, with about 1 or 2 events per week, with a few more around the 4th of July.? Events take place primarily on weeknights with each event taking about 4-5 hours in length.? As Royalty most of the appearances take place during the summer.? If you have specific scheduling concerns, talk to the Candidate or Royalty Coordinators.
What are candidates judged on? This program is not a "beauty pageant".? We are looking for dedicated, gracious young adults who possess dignity, a sense of good values, and are committed to promoting the Richfield 4th of July Celebration and the City of Richfield.? The selection process involves judging sessions including one-on-one and panel interviews, observation at official appearances and one on-stage question at Coronation.? We rely on qualified judges from outside the community to complete the selection process.
As a candidate what will I receive? As a candidate you receive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience something unlike anything you've ever done!? Great friendships and priceless memories will be made.? It's also a self-improvement program. You'll enhance your confidence, public speaking skills, interpersonal skills, collaboration skills, etc.? In addition you get to take part in the greatest 4th of July Celebration in the Twin Cities!
What kind of clothing do I need? For Coronation you will need a formal tea-length or floor length all white gown, or suit for male candidates.? For interviews, you will need a business suit, dress, or skirt.? For most candidate events, you will be provided with a t-shirt and sash and be asked to wear khaki slacks.? We do not want you to purchase expensive clothes, be creative and don't be afraid to borrow from a friend.? Clothing specification will be addressed with the candidate schedule.
What do I have to do to become a candidate? To apply for the?Richfield Ambassador Candidate Program complete the application and submit it before the 2009 deadline.? Then get ready to have the time of your life!? If you have additional contact the Candidate Coordinator. Applications now available.