Candidate Program and Judging Criteria
Candidate Program
Richfield's Hometown 4th of July Celebration?will begin accepting applications for the Candidate Program?in January.?? Candidates spend 10 weeks going through the candidate program.? Three of these candidates will be selected to become Richfield Ambassadors.? Each ambassador will serve one year and then be granted a cash scholarship.
Candidate Eligibility Requirements:
Candidates must:
- 17-22 years old by July 1st of the year you are running
-, work or?attending a school in Richfield. ?Please note that you are also eligible to apply if you graduated from a Richfield school, but are?now living elsewhere.
...have never been married, be pregnant, nor have children
...complete the required application
A panel of three independent judges is selected to choose a team of three Ambassadors whom they feel would be the right fit to fulfill the responsibilities of an Ambassador.? Their decision is strictly their own and not that of the RAC, current Ambassadors or other program affiliates. ?Their selection if based on the information provided in the candidate application, candidate written cover letter and resume, and as witnessed during candidate events and judging.? The following items are respected and sought-after qualities of a potential Ambassador.
? Acceptance of Duties
The candidate will be asked to verify willingness to accept the role and responsibilities of a Richfield Ambassador.??
This is not a beauty pageant. The candidate will appear neat and clean at all events. The candidate will follow the clothing guidelines as stated in the clothing guidelines.
Communication Skills
The candidate should be articulate and posses interpersonal and public speaking skills.
The personality of the candidate should reflect sound qualities of mind and character. Professionalism, kindness and wholesomeness are characteristics among the judging criteria. She should project friendliness with proper restraint. She must be able to handle herself with confidence and decorum in any situation.
Poise Poise is determined by the manner in which the candidates conduct themselves with others the same age and the general public.? Candidates should be pleasant, friendly, and unperturbed by unusual circumstances.
Although attendance is not mandatory at candidate events, candidates are expected to attend events whenever possible.? Each event is crucial to the success of the candidacy. Attending candidate events shows dedication and value in commitment.? Judges will receive an attendance record to assess the commitment level of the candidates.?? ?
Themed Coronation Presentation
Candidates will be asked to create a unique and inspired coronation presentation to fit the theme.?Judges will be assessing both the presentation and the explanation of your outfit.?
?Judging will take place at the three judging sessions as well as at coronation. Please note, however, that judges are invited to attend all scheduled events with the exception of a possible party/royalty planned event.
*Race, religion, economic status and sex have no bearing on the selection of the Richfield Ambassadors.