Junior Candidate Program and Judging Criteria
Photo by Chris Bartlett |
Junior Candidate Requirements & Judging Information
1. Candidates must be in K-2nd grade during the 2010-2011 school year and either live or attend school within the City of Richfield.
2. Previous Ambassador Candidates ARE eligible for participation and are welcome to join us again. 3. All candidates are welcome to participate only for the Candidate Experience and have the right to opt out of being selected as an Ambassador if they so choose. 4. A team of two junior Ambassadors will be selected by experienced judges (from outside of the Richfield area) who are looking for qualities such as: A warm, friendly personality; poise and confidence; a well-groomed appearance, maturity, and her desire to represent Richfield with a maximum commitment to the position of a public relations officer. These traits are not listed in any particular order of importance. 5. Sex, Race, religion, and economic status have no bearing on the selection of the Ambassadors. 6. The two candidates chosen as Junior Ambassadors will be asked to sign a code of conduct and contract stating the rules and expectations of the position they have been selected to fill. If the rules of the contract are broken, the committee will meet and determine the appropriate consequence. The contract will be available upon request. 7. Candidates must agree to be present at scheduled events to the best of their ability; however, candidates who cannot attend scheduled events are expected to show consideration by notifying a committee member of their planned absence. The majority of events are evenings and weekends. 8. Candidates chosen as 2011-2012 Ambassadors must be willing to make all scheduled events a priority, with reasonable consideration given to school, working hours, and family functions to avoid conflict. The committee will provide a schedule of official appearances. 9. Candidates are expected to act with discretion at all times. The candidates shall maintain respectable speech and manner. While the committee does not wish to interfere with personal choices, we expect to maintain high standards with the young people representing local businesses and the 4th of July Celebration within our program. 10. A savings bond of $300 will be awarded to each Junior Ambassador at the completion of her year of service, provided they have honored the code of conduct and contract.
11. Candidates are welcome to find their own sponsor if that sponsor is an employer, relative, or friend of the family. The sponsorship fee is $300 and is tax-deductible since we are a non-profit organization. The committee will secure a sponsor for those candidates without a personal connection. 12. The Richfield Ambassador Program stresses focus on each candidates experience rather than the final outcome. It is our desire to enrich each candidates participation with personal growth, new friendships and fun activities.