June 2010
13 - Albertville Friendly City Days Festival
18 - Cambridge Ambassador Coronation
19 - The Richfield Ambassadors and candidates will be selling 4th of July buttons this Saturday. Stop by and get yours so you can support the 4th AND great some great discounts...Lunds in Richfield 11-4, Rainbow Foods 9-12, RBCU 9-12, Walmart in Bloomington 9-12, and at Richfield Beautiful Home and Garden Tour?1-5pm
23 - Richfield Optimist Club Meeting - the Richfield Ambassadors will be the guest speakers
23 - Business Day- the Richfield Ambassadors and Candidates will be learning about the City of Richfield and it's amazing Businesses
24 - Get served by the Royalty from 5-9pm! Visit Broadway Pizza in Richfield this evening for special guest servers! (Be sure to leave them a good tip as it's a fundrasier for them!)
27 - Howard Lake Good Neighbor Days Celebration
July 2010
2-6 - Richfield Ambassadors will be at all the Richfield Hometown 4th of July Events- see the events page on this website for more details! We hope to see you there!
20 - Join us for Sparkle Night at Target Field! Purchase tickets using the order form below.? Cheer on the 2010-2011 Richfield Ambassadors and Katelin as she competes for the Queen of the Lakes competition.? This is also a fundrasier for the Richfield Ambassador Program.
If you would like the Richfield Ambassadors to volunteer at your event or for your organization please complete the form below.? You can also contact