2011 Richfield 4th of July Committee
PO Box 23381, Richfield, MN 55423
President Katie Robison
Vice President
Andrew Seffrood
Lin Shurtleff
Secretary Sara Dockendorf
Car Show TBD
Carnival Coordinator Tom Reublin
Family Night Chair (All Events on the 2nd)
Fireworks Coordinator
Tom Rublein
Parade Chair Rick Jabs / Chara Blanch
Street Dance?Chair TBD
Entertainment Chair TBD
Fundraising Chair TBD
Logistics Chair Tom Rublein
Publicity Chair Rachel Seamans
Volunteers Chair TBD
Website Coordinator Rob Shurtleff
City Liasons
Please Note ~?forward all questions or comments to the appropriate event chair or board member.
City Liason: Logistics
City Liason: Parade
Kelly Mertes
City Liason: Street Dance Jim Topitzhofer