Thank you to our
2009 Volunteers
Without the help of the City of Richfield (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) to pull together the numerous, arduous and monumental (logistical & operational) details (behind the scenes) that it takes to make these events happen, our celebration would not exist.
We also would like to extend a very special thank you to the City of Richfield Police Department for providing a safe and enjoyable holidy week.
In addition, we would like to extend a very special THANK YOU to the following volunteers for going over and above the call of duty by volunteering for multiple shifts in an event or multiple shifts in multiple events:
The City of Richfield residents and city staff
We would also like to extend a special thank you to the following people for providing vital services for our cause
Lisa Baird Photography Common Cents Bookkeeping Services, Inc. Fairchild Maddox & Leonidas - CPA
Lotsa Design Graphic Services Graphic Design
In addition - the Richfield Hometown 4th of July Celebration is a 100% Volunteer & 100% Sponsored event. Without your help, these events would not happen. To be able to continue this annual celebration, we need your support.
Please continue to show your support through volunteering your time or through sponsoring an event through the giving of cash or items.
Thank you for your continued support!
A big thank you to the Skip & Linda Larson and the crew of MN Magic Midway for the absolutely fabulous display! Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. A big thank you to the City of Richfield Police for making this a safe and fun event. We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
Family Night
A big thank you to the crew of Movie Night for the great movie! Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. Thank you toBattle of the Bands participantsfor the great music! We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
Street Dance
Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. A big thank you to the City of Richfield Police for making this a safe and fun event. Thank you to all the Vendors for the great food! Thank you Sponsors! Thank youThe Underachieversfor the great music! We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
Car Show
A big thank you toBon Auto Body & Lerum Autofor the absolutely fabulous display of cars! Thank you to all of you who participated in the show. Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. A big thank you to the City of Richfield Police for making this a safe and fun event. We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
She Runs - Parade Marshall
MN Future Doctors - Parade Marshall
Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. A big thank you to the City of Richfield Police for making this a safe and fun event. Thank you to all of you who participated in this years parade line-up and thank you to all of you who participated in bag stuffing prior to the parade. Thank you Sponsors! We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
A big thank you to the crew of Melrose North Pyrotechnics for the absolutely fabulous display! Thank you to the City of Richfield city staff and crew (City of Richfield, Recreation Services, Public Safety and Public Works) who helped set-up the event and brought it all together. A big thank you to the City of Richfield Police for making this a safe and fun event. Thank you to TheRichfield Symphonic Bandfor the great music! We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.
Ambassador Coronation
Jr. Ambassador Coronation
A big thank you to Melissa Barnes and the Ambassadors for the wonderful coronation ceremony! We also want to thank all of you who stayed and helped clean-up.
Thank you to all of you who helped make this event happen.